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​A work in progress game engine and editor combo · By Chukobyte


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v0.20 - Post Game Jam Update
Changes I participated in a game jam and made changes to Seika for the game that was submitted NULL . Added operator overloads for Rect2 (python-api). Fixed bug...
v0.19 - Quick Update
Changes Added function to set an AnimatedSprite node's animations. Added property z_index to Node2D nodes. Versions Engine: v0.48.0 Editor v0.7.1...
v0.18 - Node queue deletion bug fix
Changes Bug fix for Node.queue_deletion function. Versions Engine: v0.47.1 Editor v0.7.1...
v0.17 - Simple Timer and More Fixes to Audio Stream
Changes Added `SimpleTimer` class and seika.utils module. Bug fix for Audio Streams on export. Versions Engine: v0.47.0 Editor v0.7.1...
v0.16 - Audio Stream on Export Fix
Changes Bug fix for Audio Streams on export. Versions Engine: v0.46.0 Editor v0.7.1...
1 file
v0.15 - Get Collided Entities By Tag
Changes Adding changes in preparation for the KBGames Zelda Jam `22 . Can now get entity collisions by tag with Collision.get_collided_nodes_by_tag method Initi...
1 file
v0.14 - Pre-jam update
Changes Adding changes in preparation for the KBGames Zelda Jam `22 . Implemented OpenAL for audio. Can be used by adding an `Audio Stream` in the audio menu. T...
v0.13 - Font asset path bug fix
Changes Fixed bug with font asset path when loading saved project. Versions Engine: v0.41.0 Editor v0.5.0...
1 file
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Please post any suggestions here.
started by Chukobyte Jun 18, 2021
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Please post any bugs or issues you find with the engine here. For best results, include the following info when submitti...
started by Chukobyte Jun 18, 2021
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let me see how this looks :3
started by rodrigo151515151515151 Apr 11, 2022
3 replies